Friday, November 20, 2015

Transgender Day of Remembrance & Resilience 2015

[image description: a lit candle with the image of the transgender flag across it and the words "Transgender Day of Remembrance" above.]
Today is Transgender Day of Remembrance/Resilience. Over 271 trans people were murdered this past year. We know the number is higher, as many of these tragedies go unreported. Here is a list and some brief details about the lives lost. The folks most at risk for being victims of violence are trans feminine people of color. We also must remember those whose lives were lost to suicide. That number is much higher. We must also fight for those still here and struggling. Trans sex workers, immigrants, prisoners, youth, and trans people with disabilities all face heightened oppression and violence. Tonight, my family and I will go to a vigil to honor the lives lost and support our community (for those of you in Eugene, here is the event). I'm remembering a phrase I read on a Micah Bazant poster for Cece McDonald: "Honor our dead and fight like hell for the living!" That has been ringing in my ears. That is what this day is about. 
Poster by Micah Bazant [image description: a painting of two trans feminine people of color standing each with a hand on their hip and an arm around each other. An outline of a city-scape and cop cars are seen behind them. The words "Remember Trans Power. Fight for trans Lives." are written above.]
There are many good people who would like to be or claim to be allies to the transgender community. There are members of the trans community like myself who do not face nearly the same amount of oppression and violence as some of our more marginalized trans siblings. We must all come together and find ways to fight for trans justice and freedom. Today, I challenge you to ask yourself: What are you doing to support the trans community? What are you doing to protect trans lives? 

Poster by Rommy Torrico for the TransLatin@ Coalition in the USA and the Transgender Day of Resilience Art Project.[image description: a poster of an angel of a trans feminine person of color floating above a cityscape looking up with one arm raised and flowers in their hand. A banner above reads "Trans Power" and the words around their halo say, "in celebration and honor of trans lives." The words to their left are "resistance, amor, community, seguridad, strength, orgullo," and to the right are, "power, felicidad, belleza, liberation, celebration." A banner at the bottom of her white gown reads, "Trans is Beautiful." The words on the dark buildings below read "Death, violence, persecution, detention, fear, humiliation, rape."]